One thing I’m really enjoying in Lockdown The Third is watching The Great Pottery Throwdown (or The Great British Clay Off, as my youngest called it this week, to my absolute delight). It’s classic Sunday evening viewing, balm for the soul. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s basically a competition where lots of potters compete each week in various pottery related tasks, against the clock, with one being eliminated each week until the last one standing is crowned the winner.
The contestants are all so lovely. The judges are so lovely (Keith Brymer-Jones is moved to tears by particularly pleasing sculptures at least three times per episode). The presenter is lovely. The whole thing is LOVELY. Gentle. Unchallenging. Did I say lovely? I did, didn’t I.
By way of tribute to my undisputed favourite programme, I’ve picked out nine covetable ceramics.
I'm a big fan of Polly Fern's work, it has a very English eccentric country style about it, which always reels me in. When her latest collections land in her online shop, they tend to sell out immediately. These wall sconces are a splurge, but a delightful one.
These are giving me all the "The Serpent" vibes. Really pretty colours, which overrides the fact they have no handles are and therefore massively impractical.
I have a real thing for a chunky, pottery mug, which may horrify those who only drink from fine china. I think these, which I found on Etsy, are beautiful.